
The Role of Freelancing in our World

We are witnessing a fundamental shift in the world as we know it. From the worldwide lockdown triggered by the Covid-19 epidemic to the global petroleum crisis brought on by the ongoing conflict between Ukraine and Russia.  

Since the occurrence of these unfortunate incidents, the world has never been the same (and perhaps it never will be). However, we all noticed the great role that the freelancing industry plays during the global lockdown to both Employers & Employees across the globe.

▶️The freelancing sector never shut down when Covid-19 forced the closure of all physical workspaces and offices worldwide. Instead, businesses from all over the world started to utilize the freelancing sector extensively. Businesses and organizations all around the world started to hire freelancers in large numbers from different freelancing marketplaces. Due to the fact that freelancing is regarded as an online workspace/office and will never be shut down by anything, not even Covid-19 or a fuel shortage. Start your freelancing career here: WorkBay

▶️On the other hand,✋️ when Covid-19 forced all Employees to be laid off by their Employers, we all saw the great role that freelancing plays in our lives. 60% of Employees turned to freelancing for employment. Freelancing marketplaces became a go to platforms to search for jobs and get employment. Start freelancing here: WorkBay

Freelancing plays a great role for both Employers & Employees during those hard times. And if not for freelancing, I wonder how majority of Businesses (employers) and Service Providers (employees) across the globe would have survived. Start freelancing here: WorkBay

This shows us the great role of the freelancing industry, and how it is important in our everyday life. Freelancing saves lots of cost for Employers, and offers lots of freedom to Employees.

I hope you enjoy reading this article. If you are considering starting a Freelancing career, then start with us.

Join our freelancing marketplace and start offering your skills & services to potential clients globally.

Our freelancing marketplace is free to join, and no strings attached. All you have to do is the followings:

▶️Register a free account: WorkBay

▶️Build a catchy profile to attract potential clients, globally.

▶️Showcase your portfolios of past projects, you have successfully completed.

▶️Wait for potential clients to review your profile and get hired.

Earn income for any service you offer.
Get Started Here: WorkBay

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