WORKBAY MARKETPLACE is a modern full-time & freelancing job publishing marketplace that connects African job seekers with employers seeking various services, like web & app development, graphic designing, content writing, sales & marketing, accounting, IT, business management, projects management, and many more. It is a hub for African job seekers & employers to collaborate efficiently.

WORKBAY MARKETPLACE is the first registered & certified full-time & freelancing jobs marketplace in the republic of Sierra Leone, under companies Act No. 5 of 2009, with license number: SL080623AFRIL17850.




To sign up, visit WORKBAY MARKETPLACE homepage and click on the "Register" button. You can choose to register as a job seeker or an employer. Simply follow the prompts to create your profile and get started.


Clients can fund a secure escrow account for each project, and job seekers are paid once the project is completed to the client's satisfaction. We support various payment methods for your convenience.

A BIG NO! WORKBAY MARKETPLACE offers both free and paid subscription plans. Our free plan allows you to access basic features, while premium plans provide additional benefits.

You can easily withdraw your earnings through various payment methods available on our platform. Simply go to your account settings and follow the withdrawal process.

Yes, WORKBAY MARKETPLACE takes your security seriously. We have measures in place to protect your data and financial transactions. We use encryption and secure payment methods to protect your data and financial transactions


Yes, you can manage multiple projects at once. It's important to communicate clearly with your clients to ensure you can meet their expectations and deadlines.

Use our search and filter options to narrow down your options. Read profiles, reviews, and portfolios to make informed choices. You can also post a project and receive proposals from freelancers.

WORKBAY MARKETPLACE only charges a service fee on completed projects, and payment processing fees may also apply. The specific fees can be found on our Fees & Charges page.

We have a dispute resolution process in place to mediate and resolve issues between employers & job seekers. Our support team is always available to assist you.

While initial contact can be made outside of WORKBAY MARKETPLACE, for security and transparency, we recommend keeping all project communication and transactions within our platform. It is for your own good as an African job seeker

Completing your profile, providing detailed project descriptions, and maintaining clear communication with job seekers or employers can enhance your experience and success on WORKBAY MARKETPLACE.

WORKBAY MARKETPLACE host a wide array of services, including but not limited to web development, graphic design, accounting & bookkeeping, content writing, sales & marketing, programming, and more. You can find African job seekers for almost any skill you need.

To create an attractive profile, make sure to add a professional photo, detailed skills and experience, and a well-written bio. This helps clients understand your expertise.

If you have any questions or encounter issues, you can reach out to our support team through our official " " - We're here to help!

If you're unsatisfied with a project's outcome, you can request revisions or utilize our dispute resolution process to reach a fair solution.

A BIG NO! There are no fixed limitations. You can find African freelancers for both small and large projects, with varying budgets to suit your needs.

WORKBAY MARKETPLACE provides identity verification options for both Employers & African Job Seekers. You can also assess their skills by examining their portfolios, certifications, and client reviews.

Absolutely yes! WORKBAY MARKETPLACE connects you with other African job seekers across the continent, which allows you to collaborate virtualy.

As an African job seeker, building trust through consistent communication, meeting deadlines, and delivering quality work is the foundation of long-term relationships with employers on WORKBAY MARKETPLACE.

After a project is completed, both employers and freelancers can leave reviews and ratings. This system helps to build trust and assists others in making informed decisions.